By a crushing majority of 99-9, the Knesset plenum passed the government resolution against a one-sided establishment of a Palestinian state.
The Kneset plenum voted a few minutes ago on the declaration of the government against the one-sided establishment of a Palestinian state. The vote was meant to send a clear message to the United States and other countries around the world who were reportedly considering recognizing a Palestinian state in a one-sided manner. 99 voted in favor, with just 9 opposed.
Prime Minister Netanyahu responded to the majority secured in the Knesset, congratulating the legislators for their decision to support it:
“I congratulate the MKs from the coalition and the opposition who voted for my proposal against the establishment of a Palestinian state. We secured an enormous and unprecedented majority of 99 MKs, I don’t remember such an enormous majority for any proposal.”
He then addressed the international community: “the Knesset has united today by an overwhelming majority against the effort to dictate the establishment of a Palestinian state to us. This diktat will harm peace and it sends a clear message to the international community. One-sided recognition will not bring peace closer but push it away.”
Netanyahu also praised the national unity demonstrated in the vote against one-sided recognition of a Palestinian state and its dedication to a victory over Hamas: “the citizens of Israel and their representatives in the Knesset are more united today than in the past. We voted by an overwhelming majority on a move that would endanger Israel and the securing of peace before we secure an absolute victory over Hamas.”