
Next Week: General Union Strike for the Return of the Abductees

Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David announced a general strike next Sunday to mark 100 days of the war. At 11:00, workplaces will be closed for 100 minutes, and rallies will be held in support of the return of the abductees.

Chairman of the Histadrut Arnon Bar David (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash 90)

Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David declared today (Sunday) that a strike would be held next week in solidarity with and support for the return of the abductees from captivity in Gaza.

The strike will take place next Sunday, marking 100 days since the kidnapping. Starting at 11:00 AM, workplaces will stop activity, and will hold rallies in support of the families of the abductees for 100 minutes. In his words, Bar-David called on all workers and employers in the economy to join the Histadrut initiative.

"Personal, national and moral duty"

"On Sunday, January 14, 2024, at 11:00 AM, the economy will stop for 100 minutes, to identify with the abductees, to mark 100 days in captivity in Gaza, and to support their families," said Bar-David. "I see it as a personal, national and moral duty to keep on the agenda the struggle to return our sons and daughters who were kidnapped to Gaza. We stop and empathize with those whose lives were stopped on the seventh of October."

He also clarified that "the heartbreaking testimonies of the returnees from the inferno in Gaza leave no doubt that the first national duty is to bring everyone back as soon as possible. I have every hope that our initiative will be redundant by next week, with the release of all the abductees. I call on workers and employers all over the country to join the initiative. Together we will win!"

The chairman of the Histadrut's advocacy and publicity department, Yaniv Levy, added that "the massive wound in Israeli society since October 7th will never heal. The first step to take care of the terrible crisis in the nation is to return all the children, women and men who are held captive. As the former head of the headquarters for the return of the abducted (voluntarily), we harness the tremendous power of the Histadrut, as an integral part of Israeli society founded on solidarity and mutual guarantee, stopping and sympathizing with those for whom time stood still. I hope for the return of the abductees soon."


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