Grants Approved

Grant Program for Reservists Approved | All the Details

The government has approved the first portion of an economic assistance program for reservists, which will include a grant of up to NIS 3,900 per soldier's with families.

IDF Reservists. Illustration. (Photo: Roni Schutzer/Flash 90)

Today (Sunday), the government approved a program of grants and financial assistance for reservists to the tune of NIS 9 billion, to take place in stages. Among the immediate steps are NIS 1.5 billion allocated for grants, 200 million of which is earmarked for a special program for reservists who are self-employed.

The government's assistance plan will be implemented in three phases. In the current phase, 1.5 billion NIS will be allocated for a general grant and a family grant for the months of November-December, providing up to 3,900 NIS for reservists with families.

In addition, a grant was approved for parents of children with special needs, business consulting, an increase in compensation for fighters to a minimum of 300 NIS per day, and an addition of 200 million NIS for the compensation track for self-employed reservists.

The next part - in the new 2024 budget

With the government convening to approve the state budget for 2024 in the coming days, the next two phases are expected to be launched, with the second starting immediately after the government approves the state budget for 2024.

As part of this phase, a general grant for families will be given for January, an alternative response to unemployment benefits, furlough and maternity leave for spouses and emotional and family support.

(Photo: IDF spokesman)

As part of the third phase, an operational employment grant will be given and also a rear reserve grant, family leave, social indemnification for employers, extended home economics grant, tuition for students, expansion of the "BeHatzda'ah" club, continuation of special compensation for "beyond the 60th day" and assistance in the field of housing.

At the cabinet meeting approving the plan, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu welcomed the new aid: "I want the reservists to receive the money without delay. They are true heroes - they left home to protect our homeland. I salute on behalf of all of us our wonderful soldiers who keep us safe. I would like to thank the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Defense for detailing the data of the plan."

(Video: Itai Beit-On/GPO, Sound: Ben Peretz/GPO)

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich added: "As a society and as a country, we prioritize those who left everything and went to protect the homeland, and these are the male and female reservists and their families.

"The State of Israel puts the reservists and their families at the center and this is the anchor of the budget for 2024 that we will present this weekend. We met the fighters and the reservists, the family members and the children. We listened and learned and a lot of ideas also came up from the government ministers and I thank you for that. A large part of the plan is happening immediately and certain elements will happen later."

Gallant and Smotrich at the presentation of the program (Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash 90)

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant also promised to make the reservists a priority: "The plan we are approving in the government puts the reservists in the center and tells them and their families: You are not alone.

"The reservists risk their lives and tell me every time I visit the field: 'We are here and we will continue to be here as long as it takes.' The 'Recruited for Reserves' program makes sure that they can concentrate on their mission, without having to worry about their family and work."


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