Aya Abu Hajjaj Murder Deciphered

Deciphered: a 14-year-old from Hadera Murdered his Sister in Front of her Children

Central District police officers deciphered the murder case of Aya Abu Hajjaj, which happened about a month ago in Lod. According to the findings of the investigation, the police submitted to the High Court a statement of prosecution against her father, her brother, and another relative from Hura.

Screenshot from video (Screenshot from video)

The violence in the Arab sector. The police deciphered the murder in Lod - the victim's 14-year-old brother is the main suspect in the murder.

The investigators of the special crime-fighting unit in the Judean Foothills region began an investigation about a month ago upon receiving a report about a woman in advanced pregnancy who was stabbed numerous times, in front of her little children, on Aliya Bet St. in the city of Lod, when the stabber fled the scene.

The murdered woman, a 25-year-old resident of the city, was evacuated in a serious condition for treatment at a medical center, but there she was pronounced dead, and the death of the fetus in her womb.

Many investigative actions, carried out by the special crime-fighting unit investigators in cooperation with Lod police officers, at the scene, and during the investigation, led to the identification of several suspects of involvement; Bedouin residents of Hura, including the victim's father and brother and another relative.

The killer - her 14-year-old little brother

As mentioned, the Central District police officers arrested two suspects on the day of the incident - a 51-year-old adult and a 14-year-old minor, and a few days later they arrested a third 15-year-old suspect, all relatives of her family.

As the investigation developed and the evidence was established, it was suspected that the victim's 14-year-old brother stabbed her to death and then fled the scene in a car that was waiting for him, driven by his 15-year-old cousin to the south.

The detention of the suspects was extended at the High Court from time to time according to the needs of the investigation and its findings and at its conclusion, with the formation of an evidentiary infrastructure, a prosecutor's statement was filed against them at the Rishon Lezion Court of Peace regarding the intention to file an indictment against them in the coming days.

The commander of the Central District, Superintendent Avi Biton, praised the investigators of the Shfela District police station and the Lod station, for the professional conduct of an investigation that resulted in the rapid unraveling of the murder and the bringing to justice of those involved.


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