Israel At War

IDF Released for Publication: Staff Sgt. Daniel Nachmani Fell in the Battle in the North

Daniel Nachmani was injured during an operational activity in the northern borders of the country about four days ago, today the IDF released to the publication that he died of his wounds.

Staff Sgt. Daniel Nachmani, HY"D. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Israel at war, the 81st day. The Israel Defense Forces released to publication that Sergeant Daniel Nachmani, 21 years old, from Kfar Saba, a fighter in the 71st Battalion, 188th Armored Brigade (Barak formation), died of his wounds after being injured four days ago during an operational activity in the north of the country.

The Rambam Hospital reported that following the announcement of the IDF spokesman - the late Daniel Nachmani, a 21-year-old resident of Kfar Saba who was hospitalized in general intensive care at the Rambam with a very serious head injury has sadly passed away. The late Nahmani was evacuated unconscious from a shooting incident in the north and died yesterday morning. His family and friends were by his side the whole time and said goodbye to him.

During the activity in which Nachmani was injured, Sergeant Amit Hod Ziv, 19 years old from Rosh Ha'Ain, was killed.

Amit Hod Ziv HY"D

Earlier this morning, the names of two more victims were allowed to be published. Sergeant (res.) Elisha Yehonatan Lober, 24 years old, from Itzhar, a fighter in 8104th Battalion, 'Ram' formation (179th Brigade) died yesterday in a battle in the south of the Gaza Strip. Joseph Gitarts, 25 years old, from Tel Aviv, an armored fighter in the 7029th Battalion, 'Ram' formation (179th Brigade) fell Yesterday in a battle in the south of the Gaza Strip.


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