A recent poll by pollster Mano Geva for the Nadav Peri podcast revealed that some 62% of those who voted for Netanyahu's bloc in the last election are satisfied with the war's progress, while just 41% of those who voted for non-Netanyahu bloc parties feel the same, according to Channel 12 News reporter Amit Segal.
Breaking down the numbers further reveals most Israelis are either "pretty satisfied" or "not so satisfied" with the war's progress, with those who are entirely satisfied or not satisfied on the margins.
Thus, just 9.7% of Netanyahu bloc voters and 3.0% of non-Netanyahu bloc voters are "very satisfied" with the war's progress. Meantime, just 3.2% of Netanyahu bloc voters and 14.1% of non-Netanyahu bloc voters are entirely dissatisfied with the war's progress.
Meanwhile, the number of those "pretty satisfied" with the war's progress stand at 53.2% for Netanyahu bloc voters and 38.4% for non-Netanyahu bloc voters. The number of those who are "not so satisfied" with the war's progress stands at 25.8% for Netanyahu bloc voters and 38.8% for non-Netanyahu bloc voters.