Israel-Gaza War, Humanitarian Aid

COGAT Launches User-Friendly Site Showing How Israel Aids Gazan Civilians

The move comes in an effort to provide an easy to use source of information on the humanitarian situation in Gaza from an official Israeli perspective, as opposed to others which are more critical.

A new website explaining the Israeli perspective on humanitarian aid. (Screenshot.)

Israel's Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) Unit unveiled a new website today (Wednesday) in English and Arabic, detailing Israel's humanitarian efforts and the humanitarian situation in Gaza in general from the Israeli perspective.

The website is a very easy to use affair, complete with large text, tabs that work quickly, and easy to understand graphics, videos, and documents.

It shows the amount and type of humanitarian aid Israel allows into Gaza, efforts to coordinate with humanitarian agencies, tactical pauses and humanitarian corridors for civilians, and statistical overviews of supplies available in Gaza based on Israeli information. There is even an option to donate humanitarian aid to Gazan residents via the website.

The website comes after Israel has been subject to weeks of criticism from humanitarian NGOs and UN agencies over its conduct of the war in Gaza, criticism which many in Israel have argued is unfair, inaccurate, or lacking in context.

The site clearly comes as a counterbalancing effort, and journalists were specifically invited to peruse it and use it as they see fit.


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IDF, IED, Judea and Samaria

IDF targets surge in concealed explosives throughout Judea and Samaria

The IDF has outlined a series of actions against the rising threat, such as enhancing intelligence capabilities and potentially deploying APCs.

Avi Nachmani | 12:55

Hezbollah, IDF

Hezbollah fires anti-tank missiles at Shetulah area; IDF strikes structure used for attack

Hezbollah fired two anti-tank missiles earlier today at the Shetulah area. No casualties were reported.

Avi Woolf | 12:51

Israel-Gaza War, Unit 8200, Intelligence, IDF

Israel's alert system failed to prevent Hamas's October 7 attack - Here's why

Unraveling the oversights and consequences behind Hamas's October 7 assault.

Gila Isaacson | 09:23

Lebanon, Hezbollah

IDF strikes Khan Yunis municipality building used by Hamas as base

The IDF stated that the building contained an operational tunnel connecting to a terror tunnel and was used as an assembly location for Hamas terrorists.

Avi Woolf | 09:04

Camp Ofer, Harrassment, IDF Military Base

Serious IDF incident: Arab laborer assaults women at a military base and is released afterwards

The Arab laborer harassed female civilian workers who were preparing food for the soldiers at Ofer camp.

Avi Nachmani | 08:59

Hamas, Humanitarian Aid, Israel-Gaza War

Watch: Hamas beats Gazans who try to get to humanitarian aid (GRAPHIC) 

Viewer discretion is advised.

Gila Isaacson | 08:55

Hamas, Hostages, Israel-Gaza War

Mother of hostage Matan Angrest receives sign of life

Hostage's mother reveals disturbing video from Gaza captivity.

Gila Isaacson | 08:19

Israel-Gaza War, Hezbollah, Lebanon 

Breaking: 20 rockets launched at the north; one person seriously injured by shrapnel

Some of the communities just heard rocket alerts for the first time since October.

Gila Isaacson | 07:54

Israeli-Gaza War, IDF, Equipment Shortages

IDF confirms: Combat units facing shortage of lifesaving equipment

The IDF now admits that, contrary to prior denials, some units are experiencing shortages of critical equipment during the ongoing Gaza war.

Avi Nachmani | 07:15

IDF, October 7, Hamas, Nukhba

Soldier accused of shooting Nukhba terrorist on Oct 7 speaks out for the first time

Repaid with possible jail time for his heroism on October 7th, Ophir says he was targeted as revenge for reporting a theft.

Gila Isaacson | 07:07

Israel-Gaza War, Protests, Netanyahu, Hostages

ISRAEL ON FIRE: Protesters launch "Day of Disruption" marking 9 months since October 7

Burning tires and blocking roads, protesters have become increasingly irate at the government's failure to bring our hostages home.

Gila Isaacson | 06:53

Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, IDF, Hostages

Hamas Issues New Demand in Ceasefire Negotiations

Following a visit by the Head of the Mossad to Doha, Hamas has dropped some demands and added others.

Gila Isaacson | 06.07.24