Mothers of Fighters Speak Out

Mothers of Fighters in Gaza: "My Son is in Battle, not Biden's"

Against the backdrop of the fall of 10 commanders in Shejaiya, the Mothers of Fighters headquarters called on the members of the cabinet not to endanger their children and to avoid any foreign consideration: "Tell everyone in a clear voice - the lives of our soldiers come before the citizens of the enemy."

(Photo: Headquarters of the Mothers of the Fighters)

Against the background of the serious incident in Shejaiya in which ten commanders fell in face-to-face battles, the Mothers of the Fighters issued a call today (Wednesday) not to endanger the soldiers unnecessarily, according to them, one should act only for operational considerations and not give in to international pressure on the matter.

Do not endanger fighters in vain (Video: Headquarters of the mothers of fighters)

"Do not act according to any humanitarian legal consideration or international pressure"

The message issued by the mothers' headquarters reads, "The people of Israel are strong - the people of Israel will win! On this difficult day, we are strengthening our heroic soldiers, the government, all the security forces - we are in the most just war, against a cruel enemy who slaughtered, raped, massacred babies, women and hundreds of our brothers and sisters."

According to them, "We must trample him, and kill them to the last - and not stop until victory! We call on the IDF and the government - do not endanger our soldiers without a real operational need, do not put before your eyes any other consideration, not legal, not humanitarian or international pressure, our sons are in battle, neither Biden's son nor Blinken's son, tell everyone in a clear voice - the lives of our soldiers come before the citizens of the enemy. We as mothers will not accept any risk to our soldiers that is not from operational considerations only. Loving, trusting, and strong - we are behind you! Fight until victory!" added the mothers.

A member of the 'Mothers of the Fighters' headquarters, Ilanit Dadosh, mother of a commander in the Golani patrol who is in combat, joined the call and addressed the members of the cabinet. "Difficult morning, I'm Ilanit, mother of a military officer in the Golani patrol. We, the mothers of the fighters, turn to the leadership and the security cabinet - do not be influenced by foreign considerations, these are our sons in Gaza and we must protect them. You promised that you would not surrender and that you would not change the plan of action, do not endanger fighters in vain! Bomb from above."


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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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