Joint Press Conference

Netanyahu to the Women's Organizations: "You Kept Quiet Because these are Jewish Women?!"

60 days into the war with Hamas, and five days after the ceasefire, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense and Minister Benny Gantz at a joint press conference in the Kirya in Tel Aviv. Watch

(Photo: Mark Israel Salem / Pool)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Minister Benny Gantz are holding a press conference in the Kirya in Tel Aviv this evening (Tuesday) - the 60th day of the war with Hamas.

Earlier today, the heads of the war cabinet met with the families of the abductees, where they heard the demands of the family members to stop the war so as not to endanger the safety of the abductees. On the other hand, there were family members who demanded the continuation of the ground maneuver and things turned into a fight that almost reached the point of raising hands.

Watch the press conference live:

Netanyahu: I heard heartbreaking stories from the families of the abductees

Prime Minister Netanyahu opened: "Our fighters are the next generation of the Maccabees. Today as then they fight with courage, supreme bravery and determination."

"The members of the cabinet and I met today with the families of the abductees whom we have returned and those who have not yet. I heard heartbreaking stories. About abuse, hunger. I heard about sexual abuse and brutal cases of rape."

And here Netanyahu switched to speaking in English: "I didn't hear the human rights organizations. The women's rights organizations at the UN I didn't hear your cry! You were silent because these are Jewish women?!"

Regarding the meeting with the abductees, Netanyahu said: "I understand the uncertainty of those whose loved ones are in Gaza. We check every bit of information. There is a huge intelligence enterprise that deals only with this. We are working to return everyone - civilians and soldiers."

Regarding the fighting in Gaza, Netanyahu said: "Hamas tried to dismantle us, we are dismantling it. So far we have eliminated about half of the battalion commanders of Hamas. Our fighters are expanding their ground operations, including in the south. The ground shook in Khan Yunis, we eliminated the battalion commander in Shejaiya from where the killers went into Israel. There is no place we don't reach."

The day after Hamas, Gaza will be demilitarized

Netanyahu reviewed the five fallen from Himmelfarb High School in Jerusalem and said: "I say tonight to the families of all our fallen, our loved ones did not fall in vain. We will fight together, we will destroy Hamas, until victory: the elimination of Hamas, the return of the abductees. And we will ensure that in Gaza there will be no factor that finances terrorism."

The day after Hamas, Gaza will be demilitarized. There is only one force that will take care of this - the Israel Defense Forces. I am not willing to accept any other arrangement."

At the end of his speech, Netanyahu mentioned the need for unity: "In my many visits to the field, I meet the men and women fighters, our heroes, one of them is Ariel who sits in a tank where religious, secular, right-wing, left-wing, Jewish and non-Jews sit. All of them are full of the spirit of victory."

Gallant: We have no legitimacy to stop fighting

Defense Minister Gallant said: "About two months ago, a war started. Hamas thought there would be other results and now it is getting beaten and losing control. The results are very significant, very impressive, very accurate. The IDF is operating at the height of its power.

"It has been five days since the second stage of the maneuver began. What happened to Gaza City is now happening to Khan Yunis, the results are impressive. The Hamas terrorists realize that there is no one to help them. Neither Iran nor Hezbollah. We will continue and dismantle the battalion commanders, the chain of command until victory.

"Recently I've been asked if we have the legitimacy to continue? I say we have no legitimacy to stop! There is one legitimate thing - to eliminate Hamas, dismantle its capabilities and bring back the abductees.

"We are fighting a just war. There is no war more just. A war with no other choice. If we do not end in victory - our life will not be life. At the end of this campaign, Hamas will cease to be a fighting organization."

Gantz: Nothing will stop us

Minister Benny Gantz: "We are continuing and expanding the maneuver in the Gaza Strip, and as we promised - nothing will stop us. Some thought that Hamas would prevent the renewal of fighting, or that we would refrain from it, and we are proving that only Israel will determine its future. We will act as much as we need to, and wherever we need to - in the south as well as in the north. We will do this while listening to our friends, and doing what is right for the State of Israel."

Regarding the meeting with the abductees, he said: "This war has a heavy price. I would like to offer my heartfelt condolences to the families of the fallen martyrs, and to wish a full and speedy recovery to the wounded. Today we held a complex, painful and important meeting with the families of the abductees, including returned abductees. We as a cabinet are committed to keeping the door open 24/7 for these families. For all of them."

Any opportunity, political or operational, to return them - will be realized

"We are making a tremendous effort to bring about the release of the abductees. A task that takes place with the effort of a large team, and of an entire country. I wish to strengthen those who are engaged day and night in this sacred mission - the warriors who sacrifice their souls, the families who struggle in an inspiring way.

"I would like to emphasize - we will work in every way to bring the abductees home. They are all our daughters and sons. There is no abductee that is more or less important than the other. Our responsibility is to everyone. Any opportunity, political or operational, to return them - will be realized."

Gantz used the opportunity to appeal to Netanyahu to change the state budget: "I would like to appeal to you, Mr. Prime Minister - tomorrow the state budget for the year 23 will be brought to a first reading vote. Almost all of Israel's citizens have been affected by the challenges posed by the war in the economic aspect as well, especially those evacuated from their homes and the reservists. They are now looking at us expectantly.

"It is not too late to stop the budgetary additions that do not pertain to combat and its envelope, and transfer them like the rest of the available resources to the needs of the war. In such days and in such moments - leadership is tested, and we must display it. In this issue as well, as in the war, we must act from an overall national consideration."


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