Knesset Chairman Amir Ohana appealed today (Tuesday) to the Chairman and members of the Public Committee on MK pay to recommend to the Knesset Committee to cancel the updated pay increase for MKs at the beginning of next year.
This recommendation comes due to the annual updating of MK pay, pegged to the average salary in the Israeli labor market. According to the decision, MKs receive a fixed update every civilian year at the beginning of January.
“At this time,” Ohana wrote, “when the state and many of its citizens are dealing with the economic consequences of the war, just as I worked to cut 80 million NIS from the Knesset budget, so I think it correct that MKs also be partners in the economic effort which needs to be concentrated on rebuilding the settlements and their residents.” Ohama thus appealed in his letter to the Public Committee, saying “I will ask the Public Committee on Wages to therefore work to send a recommendation to the Knesset Committee to cancel the expected pay update in less than a month.”