Families of the Abductees

After They Threatened: the Cabinet will Meet with the Families of the Abductees

After the families of the abductees issued a threat that they would contact world leaders demanding that they help them, the Prime Minister's Office announced that the War Cabinet would hold a meeting with the families tomorrow.

The press conference of the families (photo: Eyal Rudshitsky)

The Prime Minister's Office announced (Monday) that the Ministers of the War Cabinet together with the Prime Minister will hold a meeting tomorrow in the afternoon hours to allow families coming from all over the country to participate.

Earlier this morning, the families of the abductees held a press conference and delivered a harsh message to the War Cabinet. "If you don't have time to update us on how you intend to return our family members from captivity, then maybe we should find another representative from among the world leaders."

According to them, "We accepted with understanding the renewal of the war as a result of Hamas's violation of the ceasefire agreement. We will not beg you anymore. We will sit starting at 20:00 in the evening at Shaar Begin, with thermoses and blankets and wait until you find time for the families of the abductees."

Government members including Gallant and Netanyahu (Photo: Mark Israel Salem / Paul)

"We will not kneel to Netanyahu and Gantz"

Daniel Lifshitz, the grandson of Oded Lifshitz, who is being held in Gaza, stated that "We call on the war cabinet to immediately return to the negotiating table. You promised us that you would return our abductees at any cost. Their time is running out. We are losing them. There is no time, no food, and no air in the Hamas tunnels in Gaza."

We heard the horrors from the returnees and the condition of those who were there. My grandfather has no time. He has no medication and no longer has a sense of time. They think they were forgotten there. We call on the War Cabinet not to forget them. If you have no interest in representing us, we will contact one of the world leaders who will agree to represent them. We will not go down on our knees and beg Netanyahu, Gantz, Eisenkot, Dermer and Gallant. We will sit around the kirya and not move anywhere until you talk to us."

"We will not kneel to Netanyahu and Gantz" (Photo: Eyal Rodshitsky)

Haim Yitzhak Or, brother of Avinatan Or, who was kidnapped from the party in Re'im, said, "My brother has been kidnapped in Gaza for almost 60 days. We are coming here today after hearing the testimonies of the returnees who were in the tunnels of Gaza by Hamas. The War Cabinet undertook to meet with us regularly two and a half weeks ago and it still hasn't happened. We sat quietly and didn't disturb and harass, until we couldn't do so anymore. We don't want to interfere in the tactical or strategic management of war, but we want answers."


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