Israel-Gaza War, Israeli Arabs, Terrorism

Released for Publication: Taibe Resident Joins Terror Organization

A 19-year-old Taibe resident has been charged with joining a terror organization and acting against the IDF, including throwing bombs.

Arrest. Archive. (Photo: Israel Police Spokesperson)

Security forces continue to operate inside Israel, as well, with an indictment filed today (Sunday) in the district court in Lod against 19-year-old Mahmoud Rafik Abd al-Rachim Masarwa. Rafik is a resident of Taibe arrested after a police investigation revealed his involvement in suspected serious security crimes including aiding the enemy in wartime, membership in a terrorist organization, and use of firearms. The suspect joined a terrorist organization and threw bombs towards IDF forces.

As part of the investigation, investigators of the central district central unit in the police and the Shin Bet uncovered clips, photos, and correspondence in the defendant’s phone showing him holding different kinds of weapons, preparing pipe bombs with terrorists resident in Judea and Samaria and firing various kinds of weapons.

The investigation revealed that the suspect was involved among other things in throwing bombs at IDF forces, handing over information on IDF force movement in Judea and Samaria, conducting shooting practice with terror organization members, was asked to secure military equipment for terrorist activity and also provided weapons to organization activists, all while aiding wanted terrorist activists and warning them of IDF forces’ entry into the area, patrolling with them in areas where shooting attacks took place, and was even aware of intentions to conduct further shooting attacks on IDF forces.

As noted, the serious indictment was filed against the suspect in the Lod district court by Adv. Tomer Steinberg of the Central District prosecution on a number of serious security charges, including aiding the enemy in wartime, membership in a terrorist organization, training or instruction for terror purposes, using weapons for terror purposes, serious terror acts, and use of firearms.


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Eliyahu Yossian, Terrorist Attacks, Expulsion

Eliyahu Yossian: Expel close family members of terrorists - Let them go to Syria!

The Iranian Affairs expert expressed himself after the terrorist attack in Carmiel saying: "Let them go to Syria!"

Avi Nachmani | 13:37

IDF, West Bank, 

The trend of terrorists in the West Bank that is driving the IDF crazy

Former Shin Bet senior Yossi Amrousi refers to the alarming phenomenon in Judea and Samaria, in which terrorists publish their documents on TikTok and become role models for children.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 13:28


Update: Stabbing victim in Carmiel pronounced dead

One of the three Israelis stabbed in a terrorist attack in a commercial center in Carmiel has been pronounced dead. The other two are still being medically treated.

Avi Woolf | 12:25

Israel-Gaza War, Judea and Samaria

Watch: IDF eliminates four terrorists in Nur a-Shams

The IDF released footage of its strike on four terrorists in Nur a-Shams, who were caught planting an explosive device in the area for IDF troops.

Avi Woolf | 12:07

IDF, UAV Attack, Tulkarm

IDF UAV strike near Tulkarm eliminates terrorist cell

IDF aircraft eliminates terrorist cell in Nur Shams while planting explosive device.

Avi Nachmani | 08:34

Terrorism, Binyamin Achimair

IDF demolishes home of terrorist who killed a 14-year-old shepherd in West Bank.

Ahmed Duabsha was responsible for the murder of the shepherd Binyamin Achimair in April.

Avi Nachmani, JFeed Staff | 08:11

Settlements, Border Police

Settler violence as more than 500 border police begin to evacuate West Bank settlement Givat Tzur  

Settlers are furious with Smotrich, saying he could have stopped the evacuation.

Gila Isaacson | 06:27

Tulkarm, Ambush

BREAKING: Attack near Tulkarm: an aircraft ambushes terrorists

The terrorists were attacked while planting cargo.

Avi Nachmani | 02.07.24

Shin Bet, Terrorist Releases, Imprisonment

Shin Bet: More terrorists will be released due to the plight in imprisonment.

The Shin Bet warned that there is likely to be another wave of terrorists released.

Avi Nachmani | 02.07.24

Kidnapping, Mental Health

Like a horror movie: Woman breaks into Ashdod home and tries to kidnap their baby, claiming it is hers 

The suspect was detained and is now under psychiatric observation.

Gila Isaacson | 02.07.24

Judea and Samaria, Terrorism

IDF destroys two weapons manufacturing sites in Samaria

The IDF also arrested 15 terror suspects throughout Judea and Samaria in a series of raids.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24

Judea and Samaria, Terrorism

Terrorist attack in Har Bracha area, one wounded

One Israeli was lightly wounded in a shooting attack in Mitzpeh Yosef in the Samaria area, possibly from as far away as Shchem.

Avi Woolf | 02.07.24