Israel-Gaza War, Ceasefire

Erdan: "Those who Call for a Ceasefire Support the Hamas Government"

During the Security Council's discussion on the fighting in Gaza, Ambassador Erdan accused the foreign ministers of the Arab countries of helping the Hamas organization. Erdan claimed that the call for a ceasefire means support for Hamas.

(Photo: Israeli spokesperson at the UN)

In a special discussion that took place today (Wednesday) in the UN Security Council in the presence of the Organization's Secretary General regarding the war in Gaza, Ambassador Gilad Erdan attacked the members of the Council for calling for a ceasefire, which he said was in support of the continued rule of Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

During the discussion that took place on the symbolic date of November 29, Erdan addressed the foreign ministers from the Arab countries who were present in the hall and said, "After the decision of November 29, the Arab countries and the Palestinians tried to destroy the State of Israel. They didn't succeed then and they won't succeed today either."

Arden to the foreign ministers of the Arab countries: helping a terrorist organization

The ambassador mentioned the voting days of the plan of division and resistance of the Arab countries at that time. "On November 29, 1947, the UN voted in favor of the partition plan and the establishment of a Jewish state. While Israel happily accepted the decision, Arab countries rejected it and started a war to destroy Israel. Exactly 76 years later, history repeats itself. You didn't succeed then and it won't happen today either."

He also noted that "the deep hatred for Israel and the Jewish people began even before the establishment of the Jewish state and stems from a murderous ideology that drives Hamas today. It's not a political matter or a conflict over land, it's about an ideology to destroy Israel and kill Jews. The foreign ministers of several Muslim countries came here today to support a terrorist organization that wants to destroy the State of Israel."

Erdan presented the council with the picture of the Palestinian Mufti with Hitler as proof that the desire to destroy Israel existed in the Palestinian leadership even before the establishment of the state. "This picture is all you need to know about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict!" he said.

The ambassador continued to describe the Mufti's actions. "The Mufti dedicated his life to ensuring that there would be no Jewish presence in Israel or Arab countries. His hatred spread and his followers led massacres in Israel and Arab countries. He influenced the expulsion of the Jews from Arab countries and Iran. In the past, more than a million Jews lived in Arab countries, today there are only a few thousand. Where did all the Jews from Arab countries go?! The Jews of Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Iran, they were deported, so stop the hypocrisy here."

Erdan added, "The Palestinian Mufti is no different from Yahya Sinwar or Ismail Haniyeh. He is no different from Hassan Nasrallah, the Houthis or the Ayatollahs in Iran. They are all motivated by the same goal of destroying Israel and mass murdering Jews. Hamas has already made it clear that if it had the chance it would commit the atrocities of October 7th again. It is time for the Security Council to deal with this threat, before another atrocity takes place."

"Calling for a ceasefire and peace together is a paradox"

The ambassador attacked the members of the council: "How can you on the one hand call for a ceasefire and at the same time call for a solution? Anyone who calls for a ceasefire actually supports the continuation of Hamas rule in Gaza. And with Hamas there can be no agreement or peace. So to call for a ceasefire and also for peace is a paradox."


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Israel-Gaza War

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Israel-Gaza War

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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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