Micha Kobi, a former senior member of the Shin Bet and the man who interrogated Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, refers to the report that Sinwar met Jewish abductees in a tunnel in Gaza and said that he finds it hard to believe that this actually happened.
In an interview with Network 2 here, Kobi said: "He is the most cruel leader, who hates the Jews with an abysmal hatred." He furthermore talked about Sinwar: "He doesn't like his people either, I know of 15 cases of killing Palestinians alone, which he killed with his own hands in prison, with a razor and a machete."
Kobi also said that "when I asked him in the past why he didn't get married, he replied that he was married to Hamas." Kobi also claimed that the reason why Sinwar bothered to learn Hebrew was because that way he would know the enemy better.
Regarding Israel's chance of eliminating him, Kobi said: "It won't be easy, he won't surrender but will fight until the last ball, but we will catch him, I think we are quite close to him." Regarding conducting negotiations for the release of abductees in front of him, he added "Sinwar is a liar and a fraud who deceives us. With him, deals can be reached according to his demands, I estimate that not everyone will be released through negotiations with Sinwar."