Israel At War

The Chief of Staff in the North: "We will not return to the pre-war reality"

Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi met with the heads of the authorities in the north and said: "We will plan together with the heads of the authorities the return of the residents and its timing, through dialogue and with the understanding that we will not be able to return to the reality that existed here before the war"

Herzi Halevi, Chief of the General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi met today (Tuesday) for a conversation with the heads of the authorities in the north, against the background of the evacuation of the residents of the settlements on the conflict line in the shadow of the threats from Lebanon. In his words, Halevi told the heads of the authorities that this is a significant meeting and that he sees great importance in the relationship, between the IDF and the local leadership.

"We made a difficult decision to evacuate the residents in the north, and I am full of appreciation for the way you show resilience and patience, and allow us to fight," Halevi told the heads of authorities. "We will plan together with the heads of the authorities the return of the residents and its timing, in dialogue and with the understanding that we will not be able to return to the reality that was here before the war."

Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

He also thanked the forum, for the important and instructive meeting and insisted that the dialogue would continue to take place on an ongoing basis all the time. "For eight weeks now, the IDF fighters and their commanders have been fighting with determination and defending Home," he noted. "We will continue to fight and are ready for developments in other arenas, also in the north.".


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Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, IDF, Hostages

Hamas Issues New Demand in Ceasefire Negotiations

Following a visit by the Head of the Mossad to Doha, Hamas has dropped some demands and added others.

Gila Isaacson | 18:57

IDF, Hezbollah, Hamas, Israel War

IDF: Prominent Hezbollah official killed in Israeli strike

Al-Tair, targeted and killed by the IDF airforce today, was a key figure in Hezbollah's air defense system.

Gila Isaacson | 18:41

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Clashes increasing between Netanyahu and Gallant over hostage deal

The two men running the war are increasingly at loggerheads over the details of the proposed Hamas deal.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF eliminates around 100 terrorists in Shejaiya

The IDF also eliminated dozens of terrorists in Rafah and destroyed a number of booby-trapped buildings in the area.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF strikes Hamas terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip

The Air Force struck some 50 targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including booby-trapped structures, terrorist squads, and launch sites.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Elections, Polls

New poll: Liberman second largest party in Gantz camp, edging out Lapid

A new poll conducted for Maariv by Menachem Lazar shows Avigdor Liberman's party edging out Yair Lapid 14-13.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

IDF announces death of another brave soldier in Gaza city

IDF soldier from Ness Ziona was killed earlier today in the neighbourhood of Shejaiya in Gaza. He was killed while fighting Hamas gunmen with another soldier injured in the same incident.

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Terror, explosives, West Bank Nablus

Suspicious object taken to police station - later explodes

A suspicious package found in Nablus in the West Bank was taken to a local police station where it detonated, injuring multiple officers in the incident earlier today, channel 14 reports. 

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Crime, Health, summer, heat stroke

Heartwrenching: 7 month old baby declared dead after being left in hot car

Magen David Adom services were forced to declare the horrific death of a baby in Ashdod after being left for hours in a car.

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Israel, United States, Israel-Gaza War

Netanyahu to Biden: No end to war until all goals are achieved 

In a brief phone conversation, the Prime Minister congratulated the President on America's Independence Day and discussed the hostage negotiations.

Avi Woolf | 04.07.24

IDF, Israel-Gaza War, Fallen Soldier

Cleared for publication: Major (Res.) Itay Galea died in Gaza fighting.

38-year-old Major Galea served as Deputy Company Commander in the 8679th Unit.

Avi Nachmani | 04.07.24

Guy Timor, Homicide

Driver who fatally struck Israeli national team cyclist Guy Timor accused of negligent homicide.

The driver, who had previous convictions, drove without a license and under the influence of drugs.

Avi Nachmani | 04.07.24