At the end of last week, the police officers of the Border Police in the north went on a special operation to deal with agricultural crime, and arrested criminals who drive through agricultural areas and deface them. At the end of the operation, a 29-year-old motorcycle driver, a resident of the Shibli Regional Council, was arrested for questioning by the Border Police. In addition, as part of the operation, more than 50 motorized all-terrain vehicles that were driven in violation of the law were seized and about 90 traffic reports were given.
A police spokesman said: "Last weekend, soldiers and volunteers of the Border Police operated in the northern and central sectors as part of a national operation aimed at enforcing the offenses of driving off-road vehicles while destroying agricultural land and causing economic damage to their owners. As part of the operation, the forces arrested a suspect who was driving an off-road motorcycle while destroying agricultural lands. When required to stop by the fighters, he began to flee while risking human life."