October 7th Massacre

Minute by Minute: From the Kidnapping to Bringing the Kidnapped to Shifa Hospital

They were seen on the kibbutz's security cameras, foreign citizens were kidnapped, they arrived with them at Shifa Hospital and were recorded on the hospital's cameras. The Shin Bet's investigation of Hamas terrorists describes how this happened on the ground.

(Photo: Shin Bet Communication)

52 days after the surprise attack by Hamas, today the Shin Bet published a video, in which testimonies of terrorists who participated in the raid on Kibbutz Alumim are combined with the security videos from the Kibbutz and Shifa Hospital.

This is about the Shin Bet's investigation of Adham Hossa and Ismail Hossa, two Hamas terrorists who infiltrated the territory of the State of Israel on 7/10. The two joined the Nukhba forces that raided Kibbutz Alumim and kidnapped from it Thai citizens and a Nepali citizen who were staying in the agricultural areas on the outskirts of the kibbutz, put them on an ambulance at the border and drove to Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip.

The videos included in the testimony were taken from the security cameras, at Shifa Hospital when the IDF soldiers entered the hospital. They actually verify Israel's claim that kidnappers and abductees arrived at the hospital where they were hidden as the hospital served as a shelter for them.

From the interrogation of the terrorists

"I crossed the fence through a loophole that made it possible to pass on foot. After that, I got on a white Magnum Jeep and we drove to the settlement gate which was closed. "We climbed over the gate and entered the area with the farmers' rooms," the sailor says

"Two people I was with took someone and left with him. Then, in addition to the two abductees, I brought another one."

The abduction of the Thai workers in Alumim (Photo: Shin Bet Communication)

"We put the abductees in the ambulance, where Abu Khaled asked one of the abductees: 'What is your name?' But he did not understand what he was asking him. The second abductee hinted to him: 'Thailand'. Then we realized that they both have the same citizenship and most likely they are working. They told us to go with the ambulance to Shifa Hospital.

The first kidnapee in Shifa stepped on his feet and we brought him in on foot. The second kidnapee was put in the elevator and carried on a stretcher. They put the other one in the room - there was one of al-Qassam (armed) and outside the room, there were two of al-Qassam."

The terrorists arrive at Shifa Hospital (Photo: Shin Bet Communication)

"I only heard one word from the wounded kidnapee - 'Thailand. Thailand'. And he was silent."

"There was a jeep outside the hospital building. I went up to him with the kidnapee and another guy. They covered his head and put a mask on him so you wouldn't recognize him."


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Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

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Israel-Gaza War

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Israel-Gaza War

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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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Terror, explosives, West Bank Nablus

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Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

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