Israel-Gaza War, War Cabinet

Cabinet Meeting Blows Up: "Shut up! I wasn't talking to you"

The debate over introducing fuel into the Strip devolved into a shouting match between ministers Ben Gvir and Eisenkot.

Gadi Eizenkot. (Photo: Oren Ben Hakun/Flash90)

With reports coming in about a possible hostage deal and the bumping up of the meeting of the war cabinet, it was reported today (Sunday) that at the latest expanded cabinet, an argument emerged between National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and Minister Gadi Eizenkot which escalated to shouting matches over the introduction of fuel into the Gaza Strip, according to reporting by Channel 13 News reporter Moriah Asraf Wahlberg.

Here's the full conversation:

Eizenkot: Who’s responsible in terms of the laws of war, Israel?

General Ghassan Alian: The responsibility is not on us, so long as we are fighting. When the war is over in the state and we control the territory, responsibility will return to us.

Eizenkot: I want to know who’s responsible in terms of international law.

Ben Gvir: You want to stop with that? They answered you three times, already, they explained to you about international law, why are you continuing?

Eizenkot: Shut up! I wasn’t talking to you.

Ben Gvir: 3 times you got an answer, but it simply doesn’t suit you.

Herzi Halevi: We need to consider international law – if the whole region has an outbreak?

Smotrich: I from the first moment said we need to give humanitarian, but not one liter of fuel. We need to stand on what we said.

Defense establishment representative: There will be lice, itching, everything that can bring disease.

Ben Gvir: I am pinching myself, we have babies in Gaza that even the Red Cross hasn’t visited, and you’re talking to me about itching and lice. We are the victim and not vice versa, so long as the babies, children and women by us aren’t receiving treatment, I don’t care about their itching. This is simply trolling.

Yisrael Katz: We mustn’t give them fuel just because. We need to tie the decision, humanitarian for humanitarian, there is no situation where in the decision you don’t write that it’s one opposite the other.


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