"Land in Israel"

Herzog to the Airlines: "Start Returning to Land in Israel"

President Isaac Herzog participated in a situation assessment at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and called on the foreign airlines to "start returning to landing in Israel, to demand it from them. It's time to see them here."

(Photo: Amos Ben Gershom / GPO)

In the shadow of the ongoing fighting, President Issac Herzog participated this morning (Sunday) in the daily state of affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was held accompanied by Foreign Minister Eli Cohen and senior officials of the Ministry.

First, the president received an overview of the ministry's activities and said that "there is no doubt that Israel's security concept is deeply involved in the country's foreign policy concept, and the ability to obtain a political visa to carry out military operations is exactly the same as the political purpose defined here. I thank the ambassadors and representatives who are at the front, they work around the clock, hard and professional work. I would like to convey my gratitude from the bottom of my heart to all employees of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Following his remarks, Herzog addressed the issue of the foreign airlines and said that "It is important for me to say that we are in a very difficult and very complex campaign, and along with our ability to overcome the enemy and return the abductees, we need the political legitimacy and not only for the campaign but also for the day after."

"From here we are issuing a call to the foreign airlines - to start returning to land in Israel, to demand it from them" he added. "The time has come for us to see them here, the time has come to start moving the wheels of the economy in order to stimulate economic activity, to strengthen Israel's economic ties, and of course to continue to support the brave, important and determined activities of the IDF forces and the security forces wherever they are, to allow us peace within the borders and eventually bring a political horizon to the entire region."

(Photo: Amos Ben Gershom / GPO)

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said that "the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stands at the forefront of the international arena. More than 54 delegations have made solidarity visits to Israel since October 7, including more than 30 visits by heads of state and foreign ministers, which indicates the unprecedented support that Israel receives from the world in its fight against the terrorist organization Hamas."

According to him, "Israeli embassies held more than 7,000 interviews and briefings for the international media and the ministry's digital content received exposure of more than 2.2 billion views. In addition, Israeli embassies around the world promote support rallies, including an unprecedented rally in Washington with more than a quarter of a million participants. Israel's embassies accompanied dozens of visits to families of kidnapped individuals, among others in my visits to the United Nations in New York, Geneva and Brussels. I thank President Issac Herzog for his blessed activity and his great contribution to strengthening international political activity."


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