Israel-Gaza War, News

"ZAKA Volunteers Make Sure that Every Drop of Blood goes to Burial"

Hundreds of ZAKA volunteers are currently working at the massacre sites to clean up the remains of blood and separate them from the other findings of the murdered. They transfer the clean objects to the unit's warehouse to return them to the families of the murdered.

Collecting the belongings of the murdered (ZAKA Spokesperson)

Hundreds of ZAKA volunteers are currently working intensively on cleaning the homes of the victims in kibbutzim and settlements in the Gaza Strip envelope. They are also continuing to clean and collect items from various scenes of the massacre, where hundreds of people, including men, women, and children, were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists.

With the beginning of the war and following the events of the massacre in the Gaza Strip envelope, hundreds of ZAKA volunteers quickly rushed to the disaster scenes to evacuate the hundreds of victims and bring them to a proper and dignified burial.

Following the mortar fire and the security threat, hundreds of volunteers quickly evacuated hundreds of bodies under the heavy security of combat units. Now, about four weeks after the massacre, hundreds of volunteers are in various scenes to collect the remaining findings and clean the blood from the homes where entire families were murdered in cold blood.

Collect objects of murdered people with blood. (ZAKA Spokesperson)
They also clean the vehicles (ZAKA Spokesperson)
The objects are cleaned and sorted (ZAKA Spokesperson)

As part of the current activities, hundreds of volunteers are going from house to house in the communities and kibbutzim in the vicinity to clean them from blood residues and other findings discovered on-site. In addition, the volunteers who evacuated hundreds of bodies from the scene of the massacre are currently going through the vehicles, cleaning them from blood residues and other findings in order to bring them to a proper burial.

Furthermore, in collaboration with the Lahav 443 Unit, hundreds of volunteers are working on locating the personal belongings of the victims and bringing them to a dedicated warehouse established by Unit Lahav 443. These volunteers clean the personal items of the victims from bloodstains and then deliver them to the unit in order to return them to the grieving families.

This is an unprecedented and remarkable effort by ZAKA volunteers. After weeks of arduous and complex missions under rocket fire, they return to the scenes of the massacre to clean up the remaining bloodstains and other findings of the victims for proper burial.

ZAKA CEO, Dubi Weissenstern, said, "We, as ZAKA volunteers, will continue to ensure the dignity of the victims and will not rest until the last drop of their blood is brought to burial. Right now, we are in the scenes of the massacre, cleaning the houses and the sites of the massacre, going between the cars that have already been cleared of the victims by the volunteers, and cleaning them again from bloodstains and other findings. This way, we will continue until the completion of this important mission."

Chaim Winegarten, the head of the volunteers division, said, "Despite the difficulty and complexity, hundreds of ZAKA volunteers are working for the second time at the scenes of the massacre to clean the remains of blood and other findings of the victims and bring them to a proper burial. This is a difficult and complex task, but we will continue to perform this final act of kindness with the holy ones and ensure that every drop of blood is brought to burial."


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Very impressive. A beautiful and important side of Judiasm and Israel.
Eliyahu Shvut 04.11.23

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