Israel-Gaza War, Palestinian Authority

Katz on PA Taxes: What Was Will No Longer Be

In a tweet, the Energy Minister announced that the amount the PA sends to the Gaza Strip would be deducted from funds Israel transfers.

Energy Minister Yisrael Katz. (Photo: Noam Rabkin Fenton/Flash90)

Today (Thursday), Energy Minister and security cabinet member Yisrael Katz addressed the issue of tax money collected by Israel for the Palestinian Authority and meant for the Gaza Strip, writing that what was will no longer be.

In a tweet he wrote on X, Minister Katz said “Israel will not allow the Authority to transfer money to Hamas terrorists in Gaza. The sum meant for Gaza from the tax payments will be entirely deducted. What was, will no longer be.”

Yesterday, Minister Gallant told reporters that funds for the PA should be transferred immediately so its forces can help fight terrorism, and that the cabinet decision in this matter should be carried out.

In response, Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich issued a statement saying “I appreciate the Defense Minister and support his working night and day for Israeli security. His position in favor of transferring funds to the PA is a serious error.”

According to Smotrich, “I don’t intend to let the State of Israel fund our enemies in Judea and Samaria who support Hamas terrorism and who fund the terrorists of October 7 who murdered and massacred us. The Palestinian Authority is not the solution – it is part of the problem. We don’t repeat mistakes and preconceptions which blew up in our face!”


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How unbelievable is it that Israel cooperates with the PA and the Palestinians in the Gaza strip?! And yet they use all their resources against Israel...
Reuven Cohen 02.11.23

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Clashes increasing between Netanyahu and Gallant over hostage deal

The two men running the war are increasingly at loggerheads over the details of the proposed Hamas deal.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

IDF eliminates around 100 terrorists in Shejaiya

The IDF also eliminated dozens of terrorists in Rafah and destroyed a number of booby-trapped buildings in the area.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF strikes Hamas terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip

The Air Force struck some 50 targets throughout the Gaza Strip, including booby-trapped structures, terrorist squads, and launch sites.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

Elections, Polls

New poll: Liberman second largest party in Gantz camp, edging out Lapid

A new poll conducted for Maariv by Menachem Lazar shows Avigdor Liberman's party edging out Yair Lapid 14-13.

Avi Woolf | 05.07.24

IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

IDF announces death of another brave soldier in Gaza city

IDF soldier from Ness Ziona was killed earlier today in the neighbourhood of Shejaiya in Gaza. He was killed while fighting Hamas gunmen with another soldier injured in the same incident.

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Terror, explosives, West Bank Nablus

Suspicious object taken to police station - later explodes

A suspicious package found in Nablus in the West Bank was taken to a local police station where it detonated, injuring multiple officers in the incident earlier today, channel 14 reports. 

Eliana Fleming | 04.07.24

Israel, Ukraine, Iran

FM Katz speaks with Ukrainian FM about Iran and other threats

Katz and Kuleba "exchanged views" on the threats posed by Russia, Iran, and North Korea.

Avi Woolf | 04.07.24

Israel, United States, Israel-Gaza War

Netanyahu to Biden: No end to war until all goals are achieved 

In a brief phone conversation, the Prime Minister congratulated the President on America's Independence Day and discussed the hostage negotiations.

Avi Woolf | 04.07.24

Politics, American Independence Day

Gallant posts July 4 message for the American people

Defense Minister Gallant posted a celebratory July 4 message on X for the United States.

Avi Woolf | 04.07.24

IDF, Israel-Gaza War, Fallen Soldier

Cleared for publication: Major (Res.) Itay Galea died in Gaza fighting.

38-year-old Major Galea served as Deputy Company Commander in the 8679th Unit.

Avi Nachmani | 04.07.24


Liberman: Things can't go on like this

Former Defense Minister and current Israel Beytenu party leader Avigdor Liberman said that "the main effort needs to be directed at defeating Iran."

JFeed Staff | 04.07.24

Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

Report: Netanyahu approves sending the Israeli delegation to negotiate a hostage deal

The decision comes following a reportedly softened Hamas proposal which did not insist on a full IDF withdrawal during Stage 1 of the Biden proposal.

Avi Woolf | 04.07.24