Israel-Gaza War

Netanyahu: I Was Wrong to Say What I Said About the Security Establishment

The Prime Minister apologized for his tweet attacking the intelligence agencies.

(Photo: Mark Israel Salem/Flash90)

After causing a firestorm by attacking the heads of the Shin Bet and IDF Intelligence, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu apologized this morning (Sunday) for his tweet accusing the intelligence establishment of presenting an inaccurate picture of the situation leading up to the Simchat Torah Massacre.

“I was wrong. Things I said due to the press conference should not have been said,” Netanyahu tweeted on X. “I give gull backing to all heads of the security forces. I support the Chief of Staff and the commanders and soldiers of the IDF who are on the front lines and are fighting for home. Together we will win.”

As previously reported, Netanyahu published an unusual statement tonight in which he attacked Shin Bet director Ronen Bar and IDF Intelligence head Aharon Hilwe, after being asked at the press conference he convened last night whether he received warnings about Hamas’ intentions to start a war.

In a statement issued at 1:10 in the morning, Netanyahu claimed that “contrary to false claims, in no situation and at no stage was Prime Minister Netanyahu informed of war intentions on the part of Hamas. To the contrary, all the security bodies, including the head of IDF intelligence and the head of the Shin Bet, evaluated that Hamas is deterred and interested in arrangements. This is the assessment that was submitted time after time to the Prime Minister and the cabinet by all security bodies and the intelligence community, including up to the outbreak of the war.”

His statement led to a widespread firestorm, with many opposition members attacking him for his criticism of the defense establishment in wartime. “Netanyahu crossed a red line tonight. While IDF soldiers and commanders are bravely fighting against Hamas and Hezbollah, he is busy trying to cast blame on them instead of backing them up,” said Opposition Leader Yair Lapid. “The attempts to evade responsibility and assign the blame to the defense establishment weakens the IDF while it is fighting the enemies of Israel. Netanyahu needs to apologize for his words.”

Minister Benny Gantz also wrote that “This morning especially I seek to back up and support all the defense forces and IDF soldiers – including the Chief of Staff, head of IDF Intelligence, and the head of the Shin Bet. When we are at war, leadership needs to demonstrate responsibility, decide to do the right things, and support the forces such that they can do what we demand of them. Any other action or statement – harms the nation’s and its forces’ ability to endure. The Prime Minister must recant his statement last night, and cease dealing with the subject.”

Due to the criticism against both the timing and the essence of his words, Netanyahu deleted the tweet. Netanyahu’s office stated that “during the night, after the press conference, the serious charges arose anew, per which the Prime Minister received specific warnings about the war, something which never happened. This is what the Prime Minister responded to. The Prime Minister is focused on leading the war and gives full support to the IDF and defense bodies and their ability to secure the goals of the war.”


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