3 Injured from Rocket Falls

Alarms in Gush Dan, the Shfela and the Sharon: 3 Injured from Rocket Falls

Sirens were heard in Gush Dan, Shfela, and Sharon communities after a heavy barrage of rockets was launched from Gaza. At least 12 interceptions were recorded in the central area, and three people were injured in Be'er Ya'akov and Holon.

(Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash 90)

Red alert sirens were heard just now (Tuesday) in communities in Gush Dan, the Shfela, and the Sharon, including Tel Aviv, Holon, Ramat Gan, Bnei Brak, Rehovot, Rishon LeZion, Givat Shmuel, Ramat HaSharon, Raanana, and Herzliya. Sirens were also reported in Ashdod.

According to initial reports, at least 12 interceptions were recorded in the central region. MDA reported that 3 people were injured in three different incidents: in Holon, one person was moderately injured and another person was slightly injured in a separate scene, and in Be'er Ya'akov another person was slightly injured.

This is the second time today that rockets have been fired towards central communities. About two hours ago, multiple communities in the Sharon, Samaria, and Shfela regions, including Elad, Elkana, Be'er Ya'akov, Ramla, Lod, Rehovot and Nes Ziona, reported sirens. About 10 minutes later, additional sirens were reported in Be'er Sheva and Ashdod.

There are reports of a direct hit on a building in Alfei Menashe, which ended without casualties after the residents of the house were inside a protected space. Senior paramedic in Magen David Adom, Raz Levi, said, "When we arrived at the scene, we saw significant damage inside the house and in the yard. The three residents of the house, a woman around 70 years old and two young people in their twenties, followed the Home Front Command's instructions. Immediately upon hearing the sirens, they entered the bomb shelter and waited there for about 10 minutes. They were unharmed and did not require medical treatment. If they hadn't entered the secure area, this incident could have ended in a tragedy."


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IDF, Israel-Gaza war, Hamas

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