ZAKA Spokesperson Motti Bokchin has become the face of the war in the south this past week. Usually a producer of events for the religious Zionist and Charedi public, he unwillingly became a mediator between the horrors committed by the Hamas terror organization in the field and the Israeli public.
During the last two weeks, Bokchin visited not a few TV studios, saying that he does not remember such serious cases as those he was asked to handle at the scenes of the massacre by the murderous terrorist organization Hamas.
Yesterday, he felt unwell and collapsed, and was taken to the hospital for medical treatment. After a few hours, his situation improved and he is now recuperating at the hospital.
Bokchin’s story joins with the case of a 39-year old casualty officer who collapsed last week during her work. She was hospitalized in serious condition at the Sheba Medical Center after a tear in her artery.
After stabilizing her condition, she was taken to intensive care. Medical sources believe her condition is stress related.