Aviv Geffen, Bibi Netanyahu

Aviv Geffen slams Netanyahu

Geffen: "Bibi benefits from hostages dying in Gaza."

Aviv Geffen (Photo: Roman Yanushevsky/ Shutterstock)

During a tribute show to the late author Yehonatan Geffen held this weekend at the Culture Hall in Tel Aviv, musician Aviv Geffen attacked the Prime Minister stating that he "benefits from hostages dying in Gaza," according to Walla.

"They are people who went and were pulled out of their beds in the morning on that cursed Sabbath day," he told the crowd, referring to the hostages who were taken to Gaza. "We have to do everything, go and protest and shout, until the last of them returns home. I know I sound extreme, this is my opinion of course, it's not something I know, but sometimes I feel that it benfits Bibi that they are there, that Bibi benefits form the fact that they are dying every day. Sorry if I sound a bit political, but I think Bibi is thinking about his government, and not about the families that bleed every day. I think it's time to end the war and bring everyone home."

Geffen went on to say: "My father passed away and he left us with a lot of shallow, stupid people. I think there is a sane audience here tonight, right? I would be very surprised if there are any pro-Bibi's in the audience today."


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Israeli hostages, Hamas, Gaza

Just in: update on Hamas hostage negotiations

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United States

Report: Biden to meet with Netanyahu during his DC visit

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Israel-Gaza War

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Israel, Lebanon, Hezbollah, IDF

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Hamas, Israel-Gaza War, IDF

Unbelievable 360°turn — Senior IDF officials are in favor of a ceasefire!

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Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Families

Report: Hostage Families in Crisis after 9 months of agony

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Lebanon, Hezbollah, France

France rules out Lebanon war before Netanyahu speech to Congress

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Israel-Gaza War, Hostage Deal

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Politics, Crime

Smoke grenade found in planned protest area near PM residence

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