As Israeli-Iranian tensions escalate, the acclaimed spy series "Tehran" is set to return for its third season. In an exclusive interview with Srugim, lead actress Niv Sultan revealed a surprising development: Iranian citizens are secretly watching the show and reaching out with messages of solidarity.
"I receive many messages of love from Iranian viewers who watch the series 'underground'," Sultan shared during the show's launch event at the Tel Aviv Cinematheque. "They make a point of saying that the Iranian people stand with the Israeli people, reminding us that we are not our governments. It warms my heart knowing they're finding ways to watch it secretly in Iran. They have to make special efforts just to access the episodes."
The series, which has gained international acclaim with viewers from Brazil to India, tells the story of a Mossad agent in Iran. Its previous seasons have drawn attention for their eerily prescient portrayal of Israeli-Iranian relations.
"The show has reached people all over the world," Sultan explained. "When you're filming, you can't even dream how far it will go. Suddenly people from across the globe know and connect with [my character] Tamar."
Addressing the show's authenticity, Sultan emphasized how current events have made the series even more relevant: "This series connects deeply to our daily reality, especially over the last year with increasing tensions with Iran. When it's drawn from real life experience, it adds to the authenticity."
In a separate discussion, Sultan also voiced concerns about recent proposals to close Israel's Public Broadcasting Corporation (Kan), calling it "an enormous loss" for Israeli culture and warning it would impact everything from drama to youth programming.