Kosher Big Brother

Big brother on kosher phones? The unusual request of the supporters of the ultra-Orthodox tenant

The supporters of the ultra-Orthodox tenant Yanki in the Big Brother house made an unusual request to allow voting through kosher phones in order to compare Yanki's chances and allow a true reflection of public opinion

(Photo: Oren Ben Hakoon/Flash90)

The finale of The Big Brother is approaching, and along with it comes the well-known battle of votes as in every season. However, this year, for the first time, an ultra-Orthodox contestant is participating – Yanki, who has quickly become beloved on social media. He is a non-conventional candidate, accompanied by a non-conventional request. The digital media manager of the page supporting Yanki is advocating for him to initiate the voting through kosher phone lines, as reported by Eran Swissa.

In the letter sent to Channel 13, it was written: "By limiting access to kosher phone users, Channel 13 is silencing a significant part of its audience, without any intention." He further added, emphasizing the point of equality: "Fairness, inclusiveness, and representation are at the heart of the public voting system. The promise of equal opportunity for every viewer to participate in voting preserves the integrity of the program and truly reflects the diverse opinions of its audience."

"We recommend that Channel 13 proactively collaborate with kosher phone service providers," was written in the letter as an explanation of what can be done and how to find a solution to the situation. "Through this cooperative effort, a solution can be developed to facilitate access to voting for the ultra-Orthodox public. Such collaboration will not only enable the community to participate fully, but also enhance the program's inclusivity, making it a true reflection of Israel's diverse population."

In conclusion, the letter states: "Imagine being regular viewers week after week, yet prevented from having a voice in the decision-making process solely due to a technological barrier."

From Channel 13, it was conveyed: "The Big Brother provides a platform for all segments of Israeli society, including the ultra-Orthodox community. We are doing our best to enable voting throughout the season using all accepted technological means, and we invite everyone to watch tonight's episode and see who will be awarded the first ticket to the finals live on air."


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