According to reports by the Australian Sky News network, the country's immigration services have recently begun demanding detailed information from Israeli tourists about their service in the IDF, including questions related to possible involvement in war crimes.
The demand sparked a public uproar in Israel and among the Jewish community in Australia.
Those wishing to enter Australia are required to fill out a special form that includes questions such as:
"Have you ever participated in committing war crimes, genocide, or crimes against humanity?"
"Have you witnessed a war crime or armed conflict?"
"Did you participate in the physical or psychological abuse of detainees or civilians?"
The questionnaire requires respondents to provide detailed information about each service in the military, including details of their roles, commanders, and any possible war crime cases in which they were involved or witnessed.
The storm began following the refusal of entry by two Israelis, Omer and Ella Berger, who were supposed to come to Melbourne to celebrate the 100th birthday of their grandmother, a Holocaust survivor. Omar, who has been waiting in Thailand for two weeks, is facing bureaucratic difficulties after his visa was denied due to his service in the IDF.
* Channel 14 contributed to this article.