A recent poll of Jewish voters has revealed a stark divide within the community, with 74% of Orthodox Jews voting overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in the presidential election.
The poll, conducted by the non-partisan Jewish Electorate Institute, also found strong support for Trump among voters who identified most closely with Israel. Nearly half (48%) of all respondents believed Trump would be a stronger ally to Israel than Joe Biden, citing his policies as a key factor in their decision.
However, Orthodox Jews were the only Jewish group to give Trump majority backing. Other denominations overwhelmingly supported the Democratic ticket led by Kamala Harris, with Reform Jews voting Democratic at 84%, Conservatives at 75%, and unaffiliated Jews at 70%.
These findings highlight the deep political divide within the Jewish electorate. While Orthodox voters aligned with broader Republican gains among groups like Hispanic voters—who shifted 25 percentage points toward Trump, according to Edison Research—non-Orthodox Jews remained steadfast in their support for the Democratic Party, standing out as one of its most consistent constituencies.
* The Jewish Chronicle contributed to this article.