(Photo: Noam Kovashi)
Today (Sunday) the world of the yeshivas commemorates the passing of the one who is considered to have founded the religious Zionist movement, Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaCohen Kook ZTZ"L.
Rabbi Kook ZTZ"L (Photo: Archive, Baruch Greenberg)
88 years have passed since Rabbi Kook passed away, and in the yeshiva world of religious Zionism they make sure to mark the day of his death every year. The Merkaz HaRav yeshiva which Rabbi Kook founded, and over the years his son Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook also headed, held during the day, a special day of lessons to elevate the soul of the founding rabbi.
Merkaz HaRav yeshiva today (Photo: Noam Kovashi)
Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Yaakov Shapira Shlita (Photo: Noam Kovashi)
(Photo: Noam Kovashi)
(Photo: Noam Kovashi)
(Photo: Noam Kovashi)