The King is in the field: Here are 5 easy ways to uplift your Elul
Don't let this precious time go to waste!

As the summer heat begins to wane and the first hints of autumn fill the air, we find ourselves once again in the sacred month of Elul.
But how many other Eluls have we lived through? And it's always the same (for me, at least). At the beginning, I promise myself that this Elul will be different! And I really feel that Hashem is so close. But then– things get busy. Between work, kids, housework, recipe planning, shopping, cooking, making sure my boys have enough white shirts– it's suddenly the first night of Rosh Hashonah. And the house is sparkly and the table is gorgeous and the new fruit is ready for the next night's Shehecheyanu and the kids are at shul– But my heart is numb and Elul is gone.
But how can I (and we) do it differently this year, so that when Rosh Hashonah comes, yes, all the practical details have been taken care of, but my heart is full with a renewed connection to my Maker?
Here are five ways to infuse Elul with deeper meaning:
1. Choose ONE mitzvah to focus on
This could be as easy as buying something new for your shabbos table, bringing in shabbos a little early, starting to learn Shmiras Haloshon or taking extra time to davven. The important thing is to stick with this and be consistent. Don't take on too much, don't choose a mitzvah which is incredibly difficult for you– just keep it small and easy and keep doing it.
2. Set Aside Time for Cheshbon Hanefesh
Carve out a few minutes each day for honest self-reflection. Ask yourself: How have I grown this past year? Where have I fallen short? What concrete steps can I take to improve? It can even be for a minute in bed, just before you say Shema.
3. Increase Your Acts of Chesed
Elul is an opportune time to focus on our relationships – both with Hashem and our fellow Jews. Make an effort to perform at least one additional act of kindness each day. It could be as simple as a heartfelt compliment or as involved as volunteering at your local gemach. It could be joining a meal train for a new mom from your shul or offering someone a ride or sending a quick text to a friend.
4. Attend a Shiur on Teshuvah
Many shuls and community centers offer special programming during this time. But if you can't get out, there are so many inspiring shiurim that you can access online, like Torah Anytime.
5. Enhance Your Kavonah in Davening
Before each tefillah, take a moment to focus on the fact that you're standing before the King of Kings. Pay special attention to the words of the Shemoneh Esrei, particularly the sections dealing with teshuvah and forgiveness.
It's easy to get bogged down by the feelings of fear and overwhelm that accompany the start of Elul for so many of us.
BUT --- Elul is not meant to be a time of stress or anxiety. Rather, it's a beautiful gift from Hashem – an opportunity to reconnect, refocus, and return to our truest selves. As we say in Ani L'dodi: "I am to my Beloved, and my Beloved is to me." May we all merit to feel Hashem's closeness during this special time and carry that connection with us throughout the coming year.
Wishing you a meaningful Elul and a kesivah v'chasimah tovah!
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