Anti-Government Protests

71-year-old man who ran over left-wing protesters in Tel Aviv to have his detention extended

The driver suspected of running over protesters last night was questioned overnight. According to police, he is suspected of endangering human life while driving.

Arrest of driver who ran over protesters (Photo: Police Spokesman)

After the turbulent events last night (Saturday) at a demonstration near Kaplan Street, Tel Aviv, during which a driver ran over several demonstrators and moderately injured one of them, the suspect - a 71-year-old resident of Tel Aviv - had his detention extended at the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court. The man was questioned overnight on charges of endangering human life while driving.

Last night, it was reported that a car ran over protesters who were blocking Namir Road and injured five people, one of them moderately. According to reports, the suspect continued driving until he was pulled over by police. The injured received medical treatment, and the driver was arrested and taken in for questioning.

"Violence is a red line"

MKs strongly condemned the incident. President Herzog issued a statement saying that: "Violence is a red line that must not be crossed under any circumstance. This incident is extremely serious and I strongly condemn it. Justice must be served."

He also added: "We must not go back to times before the Hamas attack. We must do everything in order to remain united. Only together we can defeat our enemies."

Minister and cabinet member Benny Gantz wrote on X: "The run-over in Tel Aviv is horrifying and worthy of condemnation. We all need to speak out against violence. Comparing the protesters to our enemies and accusing them of wanting to assassinate the Prime Minister lacks responsibility," he stressed.

According to him, "All public leaders must behave with sensitivity to all parts of society especially in these difficult days." "I would like to wish a full recovery to the injured, and call on all parts of society to not return to the days before the 10/7 attack," he added.


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