Terror attack

Manhunt for today's terrorist continues: Extensive searches around PA town of Ojah

Large security forces were dispatched to the scene of the attack in the Jordan Valley and are conducting extensive searches for the escaped terrorist. 

Illustration (Photo: Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Large IDF and police forces are continuing extensive searches for the terrorist who carried out the shooting attack this morning (Thursday) on Route 90 in the Jordan Valley.

The IDF reported that the searches are mainly focused on the PA-controlled village of Ojah due to its geographical proximity to the location of the attack. In addition, a number of special forces units have been deployed to help in the pursuit. Drone teams are also assisting the forces.

At 7:22 a.m. security teams and rescue centers received an initial report of shots being fired at vehicles on Route 90. A little later, two injured men arrived at the entrance to the Jewish community of Na'aran. They received first aid and were evacuated to a hospital.

A 13-year-old boy who was lightly hurt from glass shards arrived at the settlement of Naomi, where he received medical treatment. An army helicopter was flown into the area and soldiers began searching for the terrorist.

Later it turned out that the terrorist was shooting at a bus full of school children but the windows were bulletproof and miraculously none of the children were hurt. It appears that the terrorist prepared an ambush, hid at the side of the road, and opened fire when he saw the bus. The terrorist was dressed in green fatigues similar to an IDF uniform and quickly fled the scene.

The far-left organization "Looking The Occupation In The Eye" announced that the two wounded are its operatives who were on their way to accompanying Palestinian shepherds in the area.


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