Israel-Gaza War

IDF denies reports of shootings toward humanitarian trucks

The IDF denied Arab media reports that Israel fired at humanitarian aid trucks and revealed the real sequence of events: "Arab gunmen fired while the crowd began looting the trucks."

Humanitarian trucks destined for Gaza (Photo: Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90)

After Arabs claims yesterday (Thursday) that Israel had attacked humanitarian aid trucks entering Gaza, the IDF spokesman denied the charges and published a complete report on what actually took place.

The incident began when the IDF allowed the passage of a convoy of 31 humanitarian aid trucks in northern Gaza. According to the IDF spokesperson, about an hour before the aid convoy arrived at the humanitarian corridor, Palestinian gunmen were spotted shooting in the vicinity of Gazan civilians waiting for the trucks. As the convoy entered, the gunmen continued firing and the mob began looting. Civilians who were run over by the trucks have now been identified.

"Staged event designed to stir emotions in other arenas"

The IDF emphasized that based on a preliminary and in-depth investigation that was carried out during the night, it was found that no shots were fired at the aid convoy in Kuwait Square. An inspection of the operational systems and of the IDF forces ruled out tank firing, aerial firing, or ground forces firing at the Gazan crowd in the area.

It should be noted that despite the publication of the real order of events, the IDF continues to investigate the incident.

An IDF spokesperson stated: "While the IDF is carrying out a humanitarian effort to supply food and humanitarian aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip, Hamas terrorists are harming the residents of Gaza who are trying to get food, while spreading lies in order to lay blame with the State of Israel. They are responsible for a red flag event on the first Friday of Ramadan, with the aim of igniting tensions in other arenas."


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