Yoav Gallant, Zvi Sukkot

Otzma MK blasts Gallant: "Ashamed of his policies" 

MK Zvi Sukkot of Otzma Yehudit attacked Defense Minister Gallant and said that he is: "ashamed of the security policy in the government that I support as a coalition member."

Zvi Sukkot (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

MK Zvi Sukkot sharply attacked Defense Minister Yoav Gallant this morning (Friday), following the release of dozens of terrorists from prison just hours after a deadly shooting attack near the settlement of Eli in which Yitzhak Zeiger and Uriah Hartom were murdered.

"I am ashamed of the security policy in the government that I support as a coalition member" said Sukkot. "Releasing dozens of terrorists for nothing hours after an attack is a crime and fuel for terrorism and the murder of Jews."

According to him, "We have to correct the thinking patterns that have taken root in the system as quickly as possible, so we must remain in the coalition. I am very ashamed tonight."

Earlier last night, Sukkot attacked Gallant's policies: "The priorities in Judea and Samaria must change. The concept that removing roadblocks will reduce terrorism has never proven itself. Investing manpower in demolishing Jewish outposts during a time of war instead of operations to seize weapons from (nearby Arab) villages is already a very unfortunate decision." "My condolences to the families of the murdered," he wrote.

After the attack, Sukkot noted while alluding to the evacuation of settlement points last night: "Every child knows that Hamas is trying with all its might to foster attacks in Judea and Samaria. The choice to send dozens of security personnel to destroy a Jewish outpost in the midst of a war instead of manning checkpoints or confiscating weapons from Arabs is frustrating and infuriating."

In a statement delivered at the site of the attack, Sukkot called for the return of roadblocks and creating a new reality in Judea and Samaria. He also said that this year's Ramadan must be remembered as the most difficult Ramadan for the Arab sector.


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