Benny Gantz, Conscription Law

Gantz presents new conscription law: "the situation calls for total mobilization"

Chairman of the State Camp Benny Gantz presented an outline for the conscription law and said that: "all parts of society should take part in serving our country."

Benny Gantz (Photo: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Ministers Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot made a statement to the media today (Monday) in which they referred to the conscription law and the public uproar surrounding the equal burden and conscription of the charedi public. They said that, "the situation calls for total mobilization."

"In a recent meeting with reservists, I asked them about the burden that rests on their shoulders and their families. And they provided the most astonishing answer - "It's not a burden, it's a privilege to protect our country," Gantz said. "October 7th was the most difficult day since the founding of the State, and also a resounding reminder of our shared fate. Hundreds of thousands of Israelis left for their units, opened their homes to the evacuees, evacuated the wounded, and buried the dead under fire. The people of Israel stood up and faced the challenge."

"All the people of Israel, all parts of society should take part in the right to serve our country. The challenges are enormous, and it is impossible to look into the eyes of soldiers, and tell them that the policies that we have implemented in the past will continue to be enforced. Therefore, we are presenting a new outline for IDF service."

Gantz then presented his outline, which includes several principles: "The first - the absolute majority of young men will serve in accordance with the needs of security and society. The second - a unified recruitment directorate that will be established to determine what position each young man or woman occupies and grant exemptions from service. Those who serve longer periods of time in combat units will receive a higher reward. The third - dozens of different professional routes will be established in recognized security, emergency and charity firms.

Pilots programs that I have promoted as Minister of Defense brought unprecedented results. The fourth - the nature of the service will not harm the way of life and beliefs of any soldier. And the goal: within a decade, the absolute majority of young Israelis will be serving in the army."

He also addressed the charedi public: "You are patriots and supporters of this country. Don't wait for the law, get up and volunteer! Come serve now - the legislation will be completed later. It is possible to double the number of charedi soldiers and recruit thousands already this year, thereby helping solve the huge operational challenge that lies before us. The Torah way of life will play a large role in protecting the people of Israel, but we must remember that (you can serve while also learning Torah at the same time). There will be those who continue learning Torah, and many of those who serve in parallel to their learning"

"I would also like to appeal to the Arab citizens of Israel. We can see your solidarity. This is the time to volunteer and take part in many organizations that will improve the lives of all citizens," Gantz added. "That way, we will also be able to remove the walls of fear between us, and better integrate you into Israeli society, of which you are an inseparable part, and rightfully so. And for the plan to be successful, all soldiers must accept each other, and behave with tolerance in their various frameworks," he concluded.


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