Terror in Israel

Shooting attack near Gedera: 5 wounded in serious to moderate condition

The incident is suspected of being a terror attack.

Scene of attack near Gedera (Photo: United Hatzalah )

A shooting attack suspected of being a terrorist act has left three wounded in serious condition at the Masamia junction near the city of Gedera. Magen David Adom said two others were moderately hurt in the incident. Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai is on his way to the scene of the attack.

According to reports from the area, an armed man arrived in a vehicle and opened fire on passers-by on the road, where five were injured: a 20-year-old man in critical condition undergoing CPR, another 20-year-old in serious condition, a 16-year-old in serious condition, a 65-year-old man in serious condition, and a 65-year-old woman in moderate condition.

Emergency teams have transferred the wounded to Assuta Medical Center in Ashdod and Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot.


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