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Here's Hoping He Gets It

Benjamin Netanyahu asks public for "patience" in dealing with Houthis

The Prime Minister released a video statement promising to deal with the Houthis as he dealt with the "other" proxies of Iran.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
Screenshot of GPO footage.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu released a video statement today (Sunday) promising to take care of the Houthi threat just like he took care of other threats and that even though it will take time - it will happen.

Netanyahu said that unlike other terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, Israel "is not alone" in viewing the Houthis as a threat - not just to international shipping but also the regional order. Therefore, Israel has allies in the fight against the Iran-backed terrorists in Yemen.

Netanyahu asked the public to be patient with the progress of the fight against the Houthis and stand firm just as they did in the face of the attacks from Hamas and Hezbollah and to heed the safety instructions of Rear Command.

Israel has already conducted a number of large-scale air strikes on Houthi infrastructure and sources have already said that these strikes are "not the final word" in Israel's war against the terrorists who have terrorized international ships and fired drones and long-range ballistic missiles at Israel.



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