UNRWA, October 7

"We have female captives. I caught one": New evidence released on UNRWA employees participating in October 7 massacre

The IDF declassified and released evidence of UNRWA employees taking part in the October 7 massacre, including a recording where a teacher admits to taking a hostage.

UNRWA. (Photo: Anas-Mohammed/Shutterstock)

The IDF released evidence this evening (Monday) showing the suspected involvement of a number of UNRWA employees in the October 7 massacre.

This evidence includes the following recording, with English subtitles, showing an UNRWA teacher celebrating the massacre and joking about being around female captives and taking one, comparing her to a horse.

Listen here:

UNRWA teacher shooting the breeze about kidnapping Israelis. (Source: IDF Spokesperson)


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