Good news for those who were drafted into the reserves in the Swords of Iron War. The municipality of Karmiel is the first local council to grant a discount of up to 25% of the general property tax to residents of the city serving in the war reserves.
In the past, municipalities have already given discounts to reservists, and in Karmiel there are about 1,800 reservists in the city. Mayor Moshe Koninski led a move according to which reserve officers will receive a 25% discount on the amount of the general property tax.
Koninski turned to the director general of the municipality, Dr. Shula Menachem, and asked her, "to contact the relevant agency in the IDF that has information about the residents eligible to receive the discount as stipulated in Government Decision 1447 and IDF policy and to receive the updated list of residents (soldiers and commanders in the reserves) in order that the municipality will be able to allow the discounts immediately and, as necessary, also retroactively."
It is not impossible that more municipalities and local and regional councils will join the move.