Police, Organized Crime

Israeli Police Arrest Suspected Crime Gang Members

Arrests shed light on organized crime's grip in Northern Israel.

Nidal Abu Latif, who was arrested in a major police operation, is brought for a court hearing at the Nazareth Magistrate's Court, 2023. (Photo by Flash90)

Israeli authorities have arrested two men suspected of being key members of a criminal organization responsible for violent attacks on businesses in northern Israel, according to police statements and court documents filed on Friday.

As reported by Kann News, Rabia Abu Shahin, 27, from Buq'ata, and Maron Tanus, 23, from Maghar, were indicted for their alleged roles in a shooting at a business complex in Ma'alot-Tarshiha and a grenade attack on a businessman's home in the Golan Heights. The incidents, which occurred in recent months, are believed to be part of an extortion scheme targeting local business owners.

The arrests came after an extensive investigation by the Northern District of the Israel Police, involving what officials described as "hundreds of unique investigative actions" and the use of advanced technological capabilities. The suspects are thought to be part of an execution squad working for the Abu Latif crime organization, a group known for its widespread criminal activities in northern Israel.

According to the indictment filed by the Haifa District Attorney's Office, the suspects used a Skoda vehicle in both attacks. The car was reportedly hidden in an olive grove in the northern Golan between incidents, underscoring the premeditated nature of the crimes.

The case has highlighted ongoing concerns about organized crime in Israel, particularly in peripheral areas where law enforcement resources can be stretched thin. Police officials emphasized the significance of the arrests in disrupting the operations of a major criminal network.

The Haifa District Attorney's Office has requested that both suspects be held in custody until the conclusion of legal proceedings, citing the severity of the charges and potential risk to public safety.

As the case moves forward, it is expected to shed light on the operations of criminal organizations in northern Israel and may lead to further investigations into related criminal activities in the region.


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