Fireworks Shot in the Center of Jerusalem

Fireworks shot at a hotel: "They tried to disturb the opponent's players"

Two suspects involved in firing fireworks at a hotel in central Jerusalem were arrested by the police. According to the suspicion, the incident was carried out by supporters of Beitar Jerusalem, who tried to disrupt the players of PAOK Saloniki, who will be playing against their team tonight

The fireworks that were seized (Photo: Police Spokesperson)

Last night (Wednesday), a report was received by the police regarding the sound of fireworks being fired towards a hotel in central Jerusalem. According to the suspicion, the individuals who shot the fireworks were several supporters of Beitar Jerusalem, who tried to disturb the rest of the PAOK Saloniki players, the Greek team that will play against Beitar Jerusalem tonight in the UEFA Conference League qualifiers.

They shot, ran away and were caught by Border Police officers

The officers of the Lev HaBira station, with the assistance and direction of the observations of the control center of the Jerusalem district, quickly arrived at the scene and identified the vehicle and its occupants involved in the acts, and seized beehives of fireworks after use. There were no casualties and no damage was caused in the incident.

At one point, when the occupants of the vehicle recognized the police officers, they fled the scene towards the north of Jerusalem until they were stopped by Shalem station police officers and Border Police soldiers. They were found to be in possession of fireworks parts.

The hives of fireworks that were seized (Photo: Police Spokesperson)

The three suspects (in their 20s, residents of Ma'ale Adumim) who were arrested by the police, were taken to the Lev HaBira station for questioning and later today they will be brought to the court to discuss the extension of their detention.


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Gur, IDF, Israel Police

Head of Gur Yeshiva denies draft exemption deal for Gur Hasidim, "It never happened."

Rabbi Avraham Binyamin Zilberberg strongly refutes claims of a secret agreement with the military to exempt Gur Hasidim from the draft in exchange for limited police enlistment, calling the reports "fabricated."

Gila Isaacson | 05.09.24

Missing child Haymanut Kasau, Safed Kidnapping

Dramatic Development in the Case of the Missing Girl in the North

Several days after the disappearance of 9-year-old Haymanut Kasau a child named K. reported that a blue vehicle, driven by a man who attempted to abduct her but failed, was involved. Now, the Magistrate’s Court in Nazareth has authorized the seizure of the suspected vehicle, which has been repainted from light blue to gray.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 04.09.24

Police arrest suspect, Mea Sharim

During Rosh Chodesh Procession: Police Raid in Mea Shearim

A month after an ultra-Orthodox extremist attacked police officers who were arresting a flag-waver during an anti-Zionist procession in the heart of the Haredi neighborhood, the suspect was located today and arrested at his home by police detectives in Jerusalem.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 04.09.24

Jordan Valley, Weapons smuggling, Israeli Police

Jordan Valley: Significant Weapons Smuggling Attempt Foiled

Forces from the Jordan Valley and Valleys Brigade, in cooperation with Border Police and the Israel Police, discovered two bags loaded with weapons and weapon parts as part of a thwarted smuggling attempt.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 04.09.24

Snakes, Illegal Import, Ben Gurion

Slithering Smuggler: Airport shock as traveler's suitcase reveals 69 exotic Snakes!

Dozens of snakes of various species were found in the suitcase of a Jerusalem resident as he returned from Italy. "Efforts will be made to return them to their country of origin," stated the Director of Captive Wildlife at the Nature and Parks Authority.

Gila Isaacson | 04.09.24

Yellow Ribbons, Smuggling, Judea and Samaria

What was this car with a yellow ribbon and an air freshener with an Israeli flag hiding? 

Border patrol arrests driver and passengers in this car in Judea and Samaria. 

Avi Nachmani | 04.09.24

UK Child Abuse case, Baby P, Mother arrested

Mother of Baby P, who died from abuse, returns to prison

Tracey Connelly had been released in July 2022 after the Parole Board determined she was suitable for release earlier that year. However, she has now been recalled to prison for violating her parole conditions.

Eliana Fleming | 03.09.24

Rabbi Dr Eliyahu Rips

Boruch Dayan Haemes: Rabbi who discovered the 'Bible Codes' passed away at 75

Rabbi Rips' Torah code studies were the subject of great public interest and controversy. 

Gila Isaacson | 03.09.24

Orthodox newspaper, Anti Ben Gvir, Temple Mount

Unusual Step: Orthodox newspaper goes against Ben-Gvir, adds Arabic to article

The ultra-Orthodox newspaper Yated Ne'eman has taken an unusual step against Itamar Ben-Gvir by publishing a front page with an advertisement in Arabic. This follows Ben-Gvir's recent comments about policy on the Temple Mount, which have once again stirred controversy.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 03.09.24

Terror attack, Police officers killed, PA Guard

Report: The Terrorist Who Killed the Policemen Was Trained by Americans

The terrorist responsible for this morning's horrific attack, in which three policemen were killed, is an officer in the presidential guard of Mahmoud Abbas, Chairman of the Palestinian Authority.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 01.09.24

Nationwide strike, Councils not participating

Strike Breakdown: Locations Where the Strike Will Not Take Place

Dozens of local and regional councils have announced that they will not participate in the strike declared by Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David. Among these councils are Jerusalem, Samaria, Benjamin, Ariel, Kedumim, and others.

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff | 01.09.24

Duvdivan, Terrorist Eliminated, Hebron

Breaking: IDF eliminates terrorist who carried out the shooting attack that murdered 3 police officers

IDF soldiers from the Duvdivan unit surrounded the house where the terrorist was holed up and killed him on the spot.

Avi Nachmani, JFeed Staff | 01.09.24