A 51-year-old resident of Nahariya was arrested after posting a threat on Twitter against MK Nissim Vaturi. In the tweet that was published, it was written, "A piece of zero, expect harm! The destroyers of the state will pay the price."
The suspect was released at the end of his investigation under restrictive conditions and the investigation continues.
As reported last week, a complaint was filed against a post writer who published threats against Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir. In the post, it was written: "Someone should assassinate this Ben-Gvir. He should die in the most painful tortures there are. Idiot, arrogant, Jewish scum, criminal."
The 'Otzma Yehudit' party stated: "The legal advisor to the government, authorized to initiate investigations in such matters, should understand that the blood of right-wing ministers and public figures is no less red than the blood of left-wing ministers and public figures. She should order an investigation to be opened today."
Minister Ben-Gvir conveyed: "Threats do not intimidate me; I will continue to act for the security of Israeli citizens. I am grateful to the security unit and the security personnel who protect me and my family."