'Harry Potter' Merchandise Collectors 

Original Broom and Book Collection: The fans who take 'Harry Potter' one step further

The popular book series has captivated many fans, who are willing to invest their hard-earned money to acquire valuable items. In honor of Harry Potter's 43rd birthday, two devoted fans revealed their most cherished merchandise possessions

(Photo: Shutterstock/F-Stop boy)

Say congratulations because today the world's most famous wizard, Harry Potter, is celebrating his 43rd birthday. The successful book series by J. K. Rowling (who is also celebrating her birthday today), which has turned into a series of movies and will soon be on television, has captivated many fans worldwide who invest their hard-earned money to own special items related to Harry Potter and his friends.

Of course, various suppliers join the celebration and establish numerous stores worldwide, where fans can buy various merchandise and sometimes participate in different and special auctions to obtain valuable items. The more original ones even invest and prepare themselves souvenirs from the books and movies.

One of the investing fans is Idan Dinovetsky, a 27-year-old entrepreneur and a distinct redhead ("a member of the Weasley family, after all"), who himself prepares the chocolate frogs and the famous Butterbeer drink from the movie.

Idan Dinovetsky (Courtesy of Idan Dinovetsky)

His love story with Harry Potter started when he was a little boy. "I discovered Harry Potter when I was a child and in the stores you could buy the fifth book that had just come out," he tells Srugim. "I received the first book in Hebrew for my birthday that year and the rest is history."

homemade Butterbeer (courtesy: Idan Dinovetsky)

How much merchandise do you have?

"Dozens of items".

Why do you collect them?

"I'm a collector of replicas and props from the movies I love. I like to feel part of these stories and experience them with all my senses. Besides that certain items retain their value and even become more expensive over the years, so it's a long-term investment."

What is the most special and expensive merchandise you own?

"My most special and expensive merchandise is the Nimbus 2000, which is handmade and one of 10,000 in the world."

Harry's Broom (Courtesy: Idan Dinovetsky)

Another Harry Potter fan is Yishai Kuperman, who during the day works as a nurse in intensive care and at night works as a writer of Harry Potter puzzle books. He acquired his love for the talented magician at home in Bnei Brak. "After dinner, our mother would read us one chapter at a time," he tells Srugim, "we spent entire Shabbat meals quizzing each other on Harry Potter."

Yishai Kuperman (Courtesy of Yishai Kuperman)

How much merchandise do you own?

"I have the book series in three languages, including all the extras, a cup that turns into a prank map when you fill it with hot water, necklaces, socks, key chains, costumes and more."

The book collection (Courtesy: Yishai Kuperman)

Why do you collect them?

"It's stronger than me. I say to myself, 'It's an unnecessary expense, what will you do with it?' And two minutes later continue on my way with the new treasures."

What is the most special and expensive merchandise you own?

"My most special merchandise is a costume for my daughter that my aunt bought for me when she was in London. The most expensive merchandise is of course the books, because I have a lot of them, and I buy them quite often."

Gryffindor costume (Courtesy: Yishai Kuperman)


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