
It is Permitted to Publish the Fatality
Yehuda Levi is the boy who was killed in the rockslide disaster in Nahal David

Yehuda Levi, an 8-year-old boy from Hemdat, is the fatality in the rockslide disaster at Nahal David in the Judean Desert. This morning, a rockslide occurred from the creekbed towards a group of hikers. Eight injured individuals are hospitalized

JFeed | 24.08.23

Mirilashvili is Suing

Mirilashvili is suing the leaders of the protest for defamation

Warning letters were submitted by businessman Michael Mirilashvili to a number of tweeters, among them protest leaders Lior Horev and Ilan Shiloh, for false publications on the Internet: "These lies and attacks increased, and left me no choice."

JFeed | 24.08.23

The Adana Family Invited to a Meeting

The Prosecutor's Office: "We invite the Adana family to a meeting"

After dozens protested against the prosecution's decision not to indict the driver responsible for the death of 4-year-old Rafael Adana, the prosecution announces: "We are inviting the family for a meeting"

JFeed | 24.08.23

Gaza: 2 Terrorists Killed

Gaza: 2 terrorists from the military wing of Hamas were killed

Work accident in a Hamas position: Following an explosion in one of Hamas' positions in the central Gaza Strip, two active militants from Hamas' military wing were killed on the spot

JFeed | 24.08.23