Liran Vainshtain

Internal affairs, Israel armaments
Gallant: Significant progress has been made on the issue of armaments

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said after his meeting with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan that significant progress had been made and obstacles had been removed regarding the issue of supplying arms to Israel.

Liran Vainshtain | 26.06.24

Israel and Yemen

Israel is Studying Yemen, the Concept will Yet Explode

The restraint in the face of the attacks from Yemen may harm Israel economically as well - and the announcement by the "ZIM" company should be a red flag to Mr. Economy Benjamin Netanyahu. Damage to the Houthi army may also strengthen the alliance with the Saudis, which is significant.

Liran Vainshtain | 29.11.23

A Mob Controlled by Intellectual Terror

Tel Aviv has been hijacked by a mob controlled by intellectual terror

Something very bad is happening to Tel Aviv. In the last year, under the guise of legal reform, a handful of Tel Avivites reign in terror over everything that smells Jewish, and for that purpose everything is allowed. And all this in the name of "enlightenment", "liberalism" and "democracy"

Liran Vainshtain | 20.09.23

"I Got Hit on the Head by a Rock"

8-year-old Lavi who survived the disaster in Nahal David: "I got hit on the head by a rock"

Two moderately injured individuals arrived at Soroka Hospital. One of the survivors, Lavi, an 8-year-old, described the incident: "We arrived at the waterfall and a rockslide fell on us. I got hit on the head by a rock. My sisters also got hit"

Liran Vainshtain | 24.08.23