Guy Ezra

Eulogy for Moshe Ohayon
Eulogy for my Soulmate Moshe Ohayon who Fell in the Battle for our Homeland

I used to send you a message during times of confusion: "What now?" and you almost always replied with the same answer: "Just like it was until today, only much better." And it truly was much better, Moshe. You promised and delivered.

Guy Ezra | 15.10.23

Mayor Of Giv'at Shmuel

The strategic consultant will run for mayor of Giv'at Shmuel

Dor Harlap announced that he will run for mayor of Giv'at Shmuel in the elections to be held this October: "Giv'at Shmuel is getting something new"

Guy Ezra | 12.09.23

Rabbi Cherlow: To Ask for Forgiveness

Rabbi Cherlow on Leifer's sentence: to ask for the forgiveness of the victims

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow on Malka Leifer's sentence: "An integral part of the rehabilitation process for the victims is the recognition that their complaint was true"

Guy Ezra | 24.08.23