Avi Woolf
Avi Woolf is a writer, editor, and translator. He has been published in the Washington Examiner, Commentary Magazine, and National Review. He lives with his wife in the Jerusalem area.
Such A Horrible Thing To Happen
Watch Live: Funeral of Aharon Yehoshua Tuvia Simcha HY"D, who was murdered by terrorists
The funeral of the child Aharon Yehoshua Tuvia Simcha, who was killed in a shooting attack at the Gush Etzion tunnels last night is now taking place.
Avi Woolf | 12.12.24
We Don't Even Know What's In It...
Avi Woolf | 11.12.24
That's One Way of Putting It
Avi Woolf | 11.12.24
Like Groundhog Day, But Without The Humor
Avi Woolf | 11.12.24
Woof, That's A Low Number
Avi Woolf | 11.12.24
2026 Is Gonna Be Lit
Avi Woolf | 11.12.24
We Finish All Family Business Today
Avi Woolf | 09.12.24
Yes, Yes It Does
Avi Woolf | 09.12.24
Sometimes, Sanity Prevails
Avi Woolf | 09.12.24
Throw The Book At Them!
Avi Woolf | 09.12.24
Best of Luck to Them
Avi Woolf | 09.12.24
There's Just So Many of Them!
Avi Woolf | 09.12.24
Guess Money Can't Buy Brains
Avi Woolf | 09.12.24
Not Sure That's A Good Idea
Avi Woolf | 09.12.24