Avi Woolf
Avi Woolf is a writer, editor, and translator. He has been published in the Washington Examiner, Commentary Magazine, and National Review. He lives with his wife in the Jerusalem area.
The UN General Assembly is set to vote and likely pass a Norwegian resolution appealing to the International Court of Justice in the Hague for an advisory opinion on Israel's UNRWA ban.
It's The Latest If You Keep Track Of Them As They Go By
Just Insane What's Going On
Shame They're Still Alive To Be Released
Why Are Those The Only Two Options
What Wonderful News!
What A Wonderful Sight
IDF Takes Moving Violations Very Seriously
Only Two Others Banned Are Al-Qaeda and ISIS
Maybe Have Phil Ochs On The Hotline?
Sounds Good To Us
Reach Out And Touch Someone
Nice To See Such Heartening Scenes
I Wonder If There's A Group Discount
Time Is Running Out To Stop This