Travel, Tourism

Globes: Israeli flyers avoiding Turkey, Spain, and France

In addition to price, the sense that these countries have become more hostile places for Jews has an influence on Israeli travel plans.

Plane. Illustration. (Photo: aappp/Shutterstock)

With the low cost Terminal 1 back in operation, many Israelis are itching to go abroad. But according to Globes, they are staying away from countries they feel are hostile to Israel and Jews, such as Turkey, Ireland, Spain, and France.

While price is also a consideration, the fact that these countries have either ramped up their anti-Israeli rhetoric, experienced an increase in antisemitic attacks, or recognized a state of Palestine during a war against Hamas likely played a role, too.

Attractive destinations for Israelis today appear concentrated in the Balkans, with places like Montenegro serving as attractive spot to take a break from the war. Greece and its islands are also very popular right now for Israelis.

Travel Tourism


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